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Payment Options

In Person

Our office is located In the Lake Ella Plaza Next door to Publix. The address is 1700 N Monroe St #10 Tallahasse, FL 32303. We accept cash, check, and money order payments. Our office hours are Monday-Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.


Pay With Debit Cards

You can make a one-time payment through our 3rd Party Vendor Verifacto. Verifacto charges and receives a $4.95 convenience fee, but will only show as one line item to CFS of Tallahassee LLC. The first time you use this service you will need to set-up a profile with your email address, password, account number, name and cell phone number. Any payments made after that, you can just log in and your payment method will be saved. Verifacto accepts Mastercard / Visa Debit cards only. 


Our easy to use phone-pay option allows you to make a payment directly over the phone using your checking account. Simply call our office at 850-577-5250 and provide your bank routing number and account number. It is as simple as that. There is no fee associated with this service. 

Bank Draft

You can set-up your payment to be automatically deducted from your personal checking account on the same day each month. This eliminates the need to remember to send your payments in each month. Simply stop by our office or call our office at 850-577-5250 and ask to be set-up with Draft Authorization and provide your bank routing number and account number. There is no fee  associated with this service.

Western Union

We can accept payments via Western Union through Quick Collect. Western Union charges a convenience fee for all options, visit for fees. There are 4 ways to pay through Western Union:

- In-person at a Western Union Agent Location - CASH ONLY

- By Phone - 1-800-634-3422 - Debit or Credit Card

- Online - - Debit or Credit Card

- Phone App - Download from your app store - Debit or Credit Card



Send through PAY BILLS

By Mail

Our mailing address is 1700 N Monroe St #10 Tallahasse, FL 32303. We accept checks and money order payments. Please allow enough time for mailing so we receive your payment on or before your due date.

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